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Spring-And-Loop Theory

17    Late but great?

After taking a week off I decided to examine a related puzzle -- modeling the nuclear (strong and weak) forces. Here is the result of my eleventh hour neuroning.


In Chapter 7 we said:
[Springs are] one hundred billion billion times smaller than a proton yet have a binding energy equivalent to ten billion billion protons.

Our present understanding is that the strong force holds particles together in the nucleus of atoms, is known to get stronger (as you try to pull it apart) up to a limit, and when the strong force bond breaks new particles are formed.

Now imagine a super ultra mega strong spring, wrapping around a loop. If you try to separate them, you encounter resistance right up to the point where you have fully unwound the spring. Then when the spring disconnects from the loop it immediately bonds to something else, making a new "particle".

Spring-And-Loop Theory says the strong force is the spring-loop bonding force.

I'm Confused

If this is sounding like what happens with graviton loops in the Universal Matrix, let me clarify the difference.

Gravity is the dropped stitches that affect the Universal Matrix by compacting or distorting it. This small, but wide ranging, effect is much like missing a stitch on a sweater. You still have a sweater, it still keeps you warm, but the missed stitch affects the warmth of the sweater and can be seen across the room by someone with good eyesight.

The strong force comes about when you shrink your perspective to the smallest scale we know of -- the Planck scale. At that scale, super powerful springs bonding with loops is pretty much the only game in town. Everything else pales in comparison.

So, despite a similar mechanism at work, the difference is one of perspective. Losing a stitch is to the Universal Matrix what losing a dollar is to the Federal Reserve17_01, whereas a spring-loop bond is what holding a dollar feels like when it is the only dollar you have.

Brace Yourself

Spring-And-Loop Theory thinks it might just have the four forces figured out.

(i) Spring-Loop Strong

The strong force is when a high-energy spring bonds with a loop. The strongest of the four forces, for sure, but given how small springs are, this is the ultimate in think local, act local effects. An ant bully, if you will.

(ii) Weak Is As Weak Does

Wiki says that "Weak interactions are most noticeable when particles undergo...decay" and "It is propagated by carrier particles that have significant masses". Spring And Loop Theory speculates that when something causes the strong spring-loop bonding force in a nucleus to break, those springs are going to lash around like pressurized firehoses without firemen attached.

Like the strong force, the weak force is a highly localized effect. If the strong force is a weightlifter, the weak force is what happens when the weightlifter drops the weights -- the weights hit the floor, causing dust and small particles to fly around. A pretty minor effect unless the weight happens to land on your toes.

(iii) E Is For Energy

Electromagnetism is the energy that bounces around in a Universal Matrix of springs. Sound waves if we lived in a solid rock world. The "bloodstream" to the other three forces.

(iv) Gravity -- A Planck-Sized Flaw, At A Distance

Gravity is the small effect a loop has on things not "nucleus-close" to it. Gravity is graffiti. It will pull down the price of your rental property but across town they could hardly care less. A black hole, mind you, would be if everything was paint-covered.

Tip Of The Hat To Henri P.

It is kind of amazing how far you can go with the intuitive approach17_02. Now put some equational footings under this page and be quick about it.

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