The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

This is your typical 'lone wolf'. This quality lends itself to the out-of-doors where nature and the elements provide the basis for relaxation and contemplation. They are compelled by this quality to seek their happiness alone and isolated from others. Independence is their strong point and sometimes their weakness. Their great creativity is only awakened when they are alone and quiet. Theirs is the pioneering spirit which seeks expression through originality. These people can suffer a great deal of frustration if their date of birth inclines them in any way toward a social life, or where they are called upon to express themselves verbally. They do not relate well to people or crowds. They express themselves candidly or even bluntly without ever meaning offence. Theirs is a life of misunderstanding and loneliness, particularly if they are innately social. They can never quite find the right words to express their feelings and deeper sentiments.

This is a quality that requires a physical outlet for their energies. They are not good at debate and would feel awkward amongst the more intellectual types. Their perspective is either black or white, and they will let you know point blank exactly how they feel. They could express themselves through writing or any avenue where they are left alone to do it their way. Honesty, reliability and loyalty are the keynotes of these people. They are not afraid of hard work. Endurance and their physical stamina will see them through their projects. Due to their lack of social graces they are forced to seek a life of seclusion. It is very difficult for them to support you in your thoughts as they do not have the capacity to listen without measuring from a 'self' standard. Their verbal expression is usually restricted to thoughts pertaining to their own life, or they remain silent and uninterested in joining in the discussion. This quality ultimately leads to a more reclusive life as they learn to accept their social shortcomings.

When they are frustrated from want of the right words and spontaneous expression they can be caustic and blunt and never know how to show affection and warmth. It is very difficult for them to show or express the little gestures of kindness or refinements that form the basis for enduring relationships. On the other hand their loyalty and integrity make them true friends even though they may be incapable of showing love openly. Their perseverance allows them to see things through. If they do not suffer from the stigma of a dual nature that is inwardly social and outwardly antisocial they could be quite accomplished in almost anything they put their mind to that does not require diplomacy and tact. They have a headstrong nature that is both an asset and a liability. Unfortunately it does not lend itself to loving relationships. They have a rugged nature that loves the out-of-doors. This is their escape from the noise and confusion of society. Their weakness lies in the senses of the head as well as the heart, lungs and bronchial organs.

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