The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Soft, intelligent, responsible, but a little lacking in confidence are the main qualities of these people. They can get ahead in life, but in supportive roles, or with academic credentials that allow them to become professionals working under the banner of an institution. If they choose to go into business it is in partnership with others. This is a social influence that desires the company of people and works well with them. They are accommodating and perceptive of others' needs. This easy-going and gentle influence adapts itself to a less harsh or competitive environment. They do not like to get their hands dirty. Diplomacy and tact are their means of getting ahead. They sense a person's discomfort and will do what is necessary to make them feel easy. Pleasing others comes naturally. Their caring and responsible natures move quickly to assist others whenever possible. Their maternal or paternal quality makes them good teachers and parents.

Their minds are clear and perceptive, and they possess an analytical ability. They can take their responsibilities quite seriously and tend to worry a little too much at times. This preoccupation with worry can lead to procrastination as a way of dealing with nagging problems. If there is too much pressure in their lives they could succumb through loss of confidence and ultimately become a little lazy. They feel more comfortable and supported in association with the opposite sex. Normally this is quite a nice quality except that they lack self-initiative. They are buoyed up when they are in association with others but lack the strength when a situation calls them to act with force and self-determination. At times they can be quite decisive and at other times they vacillate. Confronting issues is sometimes quite difficult because they are so aware and affected by people's feelings, and their own involvement, that it seems better to avoid the situation rather than suffer any embarrassment.

In their highest sense, if they could conceive of a way of solving a dispute or altercation amicably, they would certainly do it. Unfortunately they will fluctuate in their decision to resolve an issue. They need to be in positions of responsibility where they are recognized as an authority. It is their knowledge, not their leadership ability, that is admired. They do not quite have the strength to become an effective leader, and yet there would be the desire to be recognized as one. While there is an astuteness of mind here they fail to gain the recognition of their efforts that they think they deserve. They do not quite have the push necessary to reach the heights of personal accomplishment. As an intellectual force they can hold their own. They are practical with a great deal of common sense. This is a social force, not a physical one, so they must not forget to get sufficient exercise if they desire to stay healthy. Their appetites lean towards the sweet foods and any indulgence in them will affect their kidneys and pancreas.

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