The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These people are practical, materialistic and exacting in every detail of their lives. They are logical in their approach to all things and sceptical of theories that have not been tried and proven. Religion is often viewed with derision and even contempt unless it makes sense and appeals to the intellect. They have an interesting duality of qualities. On the one hand there is a desire for a patient, unhurried and stable lifestyle, but they are continually driven by a force that is very difficult to appease. No detail escapes these people in their personal pursuits. They have a great capacity for hard work. Theirs is a life driven to inquire into the many aspects of their restless natures. This restlessness can drive them to distraction. It usually finds an outlet in the more practical avenues of life or, if they develop philosophically, they can travel the world looking for answers.

Unfortunately they are never satisfied for long before they are off again seeking something new to quell this insatiable urge for peace of mind and stability. These conflicting forces invariably affect them in the stomach and intestinal tract. Their focus and concentration, combined with their perseverance makes them dedicated workers. In fact they could become workaholics. They are serious types that lack a sense of humour, with little appreciation for the more aesthetic and inspirational side of life. Their scepticism for anything that is unproven alienates them from the more idealistic types. They immerse themselves in their work rather than spending time in social activities. Their penchant for detail and facts along with their natural scepticism can make them a little dull as conversationalists. Their creativity comes from an intense and concentrated effort. Nothing can deter these people when their minds are set on a particular course.

They can pursue the minutest detail in order to discover the answer to a problem. They will drive themselves for so long and then new horizons beckon. After a while they soon discover that all they have ever wanted is to settle down and create stability. This they will find almost impossible. It is this practical, deliberate and slow-moving quality that comes in conflict with an underlying influence of change and a challenge that produces so much dis-ease and frustration in their lives. They must work hard to bring softness and inspiration into their character otherwise their relationships will suffer. Neglect of an overall balance can make these people overly materialistic and blind to their own weaknesses because of a hardness that can creep into their natures. There is no denying their natural abilities in research and hard work but it is at the cost of their physical and mental well-being. Their level of imbalance will eventually affect their stomach and intestines producing constipation, ulcers and other allied problems.

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