The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

The vast majority of people who view the extremes in human character have no idea as to the cause. The truth is, our minds are created through language and our shortcomings are deeply rooted in our names. These names are quite unbalanced. Like musical notes, some create discord when combined, while others produce a chord of harmony. In these names there are two influences that do not balance. The main quality that the other depends upon is one of practicality, science and materiality. It is drawn toward the physical plane exclusively. The second influence is theoretical, quiet and contemplative. Unfortunately they do not support each other, which tends to bring out the worst in each. The depth of the one influence is destroyed, and the intellectual force of the other produces an instinctual response to life. It results in a heavy materialistic tendency with little interest in the deeper aspects of life. There is a preoccupation with getting and spending and a general focus on the mundane duties of everyday life.

Their leaning is towards mechanical, electrical and practical fields of work. This is not a vibrant or social influence. No matter how hard they try to create friends and meaningful conversation it does not happen. They are looked upon as quite boring types to be with. Their minds work on a very pragmatic level and their speech is monotone. They are slow and methodical in their conversation and must stop to think about everything before they speak. Others are on to a new topic while they are still pondering the last one. Scepticism and general lack of interest in others' thoughts becomes a way of life. They are destined to experience loneliness. They lack the spontaneity and social rapport of others and consequently withdraw into their own world. Potentially they possess a studious quality and would do well to cultivate their interests through mathematics, astronomy and scientific research, or spend their lives fiddling with hobbies to no avail.

Being earthy types, gardening could also be a constructive outlet for them. It is unfortunate that their love relationships, if they had any, would become predominantly physical experiences. Giving to others as a love response is not a part of their character. There is such a strong self-orientation here that love relationships would be difficult to build or sustain. Conversations would be quickly reduced to talking about domestic duties. There is no incentive for intellectual stimulation and their life would soon revert back to their own limited interests. There is no self-confidence here, nor is there any great desire for conversation. In time their introversion can create an anti-social attitude, not so much from lack of desire but from failure to achieve and experience positive results from their efforts. Hopefully the rest of their make-up will modify some of the negative characteristics that have been outlined. Constipation and problems affecting their heart, lungs and bronchial organs are their physical weaknesses.

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