The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

The main characteristics here are friendliness and cooperation. Unfortunately they lack the two ingredients that lead to true personal success: confidence and drive. It is on the strength of their academic credentials, not on any personal initiative, that they make some progress. Their easy going natures balk at being pushed and they cannot handle pressure. They are personable and diplomatic, making the perfect host or hostess by making you feel relaxed and at home. How you feel in their company is very important to them. Drawing you out and listening is their natural way. The influences here are not deep or intellectual unless it is related to academia. They do have the ability to study and concentrate to some degree, but are not interested in plumbing the depths of life's mysteries. Their conversation usually revolves around people and things rather than ideas and theories. They must guard against being pulled into gossip and talking about inconsequential things.

They have a fluidity of speech that reveals itself in discussions dealing with the simple pleasantries of the day as they think it better to stay away from discussions that might prove controversial or embarrassing. In the end their associations become shallow and pointless. Balance is again the issue here. Their accommodating and sensitive natures tend to become a liability. Their fear of creating issues and hurting feelings ultimately produces an attitude of avoidance. Attempting to please others is a wonderful quality only if it is not an escape from going deeper into a discussion or relationship. They are so easily affected by elements in the atmosphere of others that habitually they will do anything to keep things light and airy. Generally they do not succeed, but end up in dead end jobs pushing paper around forever. They are reliable and capable of working for others in this capacity. Working with detail is easy for them.

It is their soft, easy-going natures and their fear of responsibility that soon destroys any ambition that may have been there initially. Their self-depreciation undermines their confidence and gradually they can become lazy minded. Procrastination becomes a problem and it becomes difficult to be on time. Life at this point becomes hum-drum. Their potential lies in their ability to counsel others in their problems. They possess an intuitive ability when listening to others. It is their challenge to develop their intellect in order to provide others with necessary information and not merely to console them in their misery. Self-discipline is not their strong point. Being overweight can be a problem. These names do not lend themselves to health and well-being. They are prone to constipation and problems affecting the kidneys and fluid functions. If they do not get enough exercise they will suffer from poor circulation with the resulting cold hands and feet.

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