The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Putting their best foot forward is quite an easy task for these people. Unfortunately their other foot can cripple them. Their higher side is motivated by compassion and love for others, and full of kindness and generosity. Their lower side is an uncontrollable intensity that can flare up and inflame their emotions to a fever pitch. To control these extremes in their emotional nature is quite difficult. It will either express outwardly as temper or inwardly as extreme frustration. There is no doubt about their cleverness and quick minds. When they are on your side they are loving and supportive, but as opponents they are formidable. They have an impulsive nature. Their scepticism can be aroused on an impulse and colour their thinking. Their tendency is to prejudge on the basis of strong feelings, aroused on impulse. At times they can receive an impression of a situation that is absolutely accurate because of their level of intuition.

How true their impressions are depend upon the state of their emotions. If they are predisposed to certain ideas, then that of course becomes the basis for their judgement. The trouble with this quality is their changing moods, and the nature of that mood is what determines whether the thought impulse comes from a true or imaginary source. They draw from an idealism and a desire to serve life in some humanitarian capacity. Suffering moves them to respond through compassion and an urge to do at least something to alleviate the problem. When they are motivated by their greater idealism and a noble cause they can awaken a passion that is beautiful to see. Their fierce drive and intense feelings can tend towards fanaticism if they are not careful. If the rest of their make-up compounds their emotional intensity then such things as their religious orientation can be taken to extremes. Not only do they have a compassion for people but their love-making can be fraught with an unbridled passion.

This all represents the tremendous emotion of this influence and the difficulty in understanding and channeling this power. At the heart of it is their undying search for truth. They cannot rest unless their lives have a greater meaning to it. If their lives turn towards indulgence, or they cynically turn against everything, then they develop real problems. Self-pity being their devil, they can pursue trouble with a vengeance and then they become their own worst enemy. The cause of truth and justice for all is a very strong motivation in their life. An injustice registers in their solar-plexus like a knife stab and then justice must be served. Others may let a little injustice go but not these types. Unfortunately their feelings become quite intense and their confrontations will always betray their anger. If, through their birth-date, they are passive types then the inward repression and frustration will cause them to avoid getting involved for fear of their own outbursts and the guilt of hurting someone. Their emotional intensity affects their nervous systems.

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