The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These people are quick-minded, clever, have a gift-of-the-gab and are rather impressionable. Their aim is to please others for the sake of retaining their friendships. In other words peace at all costs becomes their imperative. Sometimes this will lead to wrong decisions to save face or usually to no decision because that seems the safest course. They are the perfect diplomats, always trying to please both sides but sometimes sacrificing their own ideas in order to avoid confrontations or issues. They can be very clever, but must be aware of talking themselves into a corner. These people possess a fluidity of speech that is quite remarkable, but in the extreme it becomes a fault, and their undoing. They have charm and a friendliness that is very disarming. Their greatest challenge is to follow through with their promises. They have the greatest intentions but suffer from procrastination. It is to avoid hurt feelings, their own or others, that causes them to avoid issues, confrontations and quick decisions.

They have answers for everything and all occasions and are masters at delaying and beating around the bush. It is through people that they get ahead, from their cleverness and not necessarily from hard work. If they have not had a good upbringing their submissive and impressionable natures can lead them into all sorts of indulgences and influences from associating with the wrong crowd. This is so because they have a daring to try new things when influenced by others. On their own they would not dare. On the positive side they can offer good counsel or advice because of their intuitive natures. They know exactly where you are coming from, how you feel and what you need to hear. Law could be their specialty because they know exactly what to say and how to say it. Sales is a natural for them because of their gentle approach, although they would rather people come to them as they do not like dealing with rejection. Direct sales is too hard on them.

They have versatility and ingenuity but lack the confidence to stand on their own. Their quickness of mind make them intelligent and perceptive but if misdirected they can become clever operators. They must learn to discriminate between truth and fiction or their tendency to bend the truth can become habitual and unconscious. They must not be deceived by their own cleverness. They work well with others and thrive on encouragement, but if they once become influenced by the idea of life in the fast lane they can become somewhat unreliable in their work and in their relationships as they are easily influenced by deals and ways of making an easy buck. If these names are not carefully balanced with a surname, they can suffer from all the negative elements mentioned as well as indulgence in rich and sweet foods that affect them mainly in the kidney area as well as the stomach.

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