The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

While sensitivity is a wonderful aspect of the human mind these names possess too much. At times these people experience feelings that are profound. They are moved to tears very easily over their experiences in life. Love inspires them to highest heights, and losses in their affections drag them to the depths of despair. Their imaginations can transport them into realms of fantasy where it is difficult to separate truth from fiction. It is easy for these people to be carried away by their emotions due to their profound sensitivity. In theory life is very simple -- it only requires that we control our thoughts and become masters of our destiny. With these people the emotions tend to take over. A mood becomes all absorbing. A slight can grow out of proportion. They find negative feelings are difficult to shake off. These types are finely tuned to elements of mysticism and we must all be awakened to the mystery of life to some degree.

With these people, life in the material world is too difficult, which usually turns them to seek religious or philosophical paths, with a tendency towards the occult where great truths and a graveyard of non-truths mix. Only when there is balance between the two natures within us can the mind perceive the hidden truths in life and religion, otherwise it becomes easy to be carried away and a victim of theories that appeal to one's sense of mysticism. It is not easy for these people to use their powers of analysis without being influenced through their emotions. They must realize that religion, like science, is governed by truths (perceived or not), and progress takes place only on the basis of actual truth or law. They feel so deeply they can delude themselves into believing something is true merely because it feels so good. In the highest sense these types are meant to be the spiritual teachers of the race but, like all of us, they must learn the practical side of life and that is very difficult for them.

They are naturally artistic and should find an outlet through the arts. They are aware of the great beauty and meaning that lies in nature. The sun rising or setting can move them to tears. A good book or movie can touch them in ways that could never be shared. In fact they soon learn that they are different, and that nobody understands them. They should write down their thoughts and plumb the depths of their psyche for the truths that can arise through their sensitivity. Unfortunately their lives are usually quite troubled and their preoccupation with their problems interferes with their potential creativity. They live for love but it forever eludes them, even though their capacity to give is endless. Their compassion for human suffering requires an outlet through humanitarian work. If they cannot express this part of their nature the negative aspect will manifest through self-pity and depression. Their weakness lies in the chest and bronchial organs, as well as the entire nervous system.

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