The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

This influence is anti-social, independent, and strong-willed. If they are social as defined through the birthdate then they will suffer from the longing for deep social contact. It is difficult for these types to understand what it means to be open and friendly. They cannot outwardly demonstrate affection, nor can they receive it. This is the typical lone-wolf, walking through the woods by themselves and finding solace with nature. With time their misunderstandings with people make them solitary creatures. They draw from an element of consciousness that tunes them deeply to beauty and tranquillity. Small talk and meaningless conversation bores them. It is not long before they begin to withdraw from the confusion and chaos that reigns in our mad, competitive world. The first thing that vanishes in their life when they are misunderstood is their desire to communicate. After a while they have little to say about anything, and then when things must be said it is very difficult for them to be coherent.

It is on their own, with their books or personal interests, that they feel more content. In nature they regain their energy. If there is some degree of balance in the rest of their make-up the strength of this quality can accomplish a great deal. They are strong and determined with great perseverance. When they know what they want, nothing can stop them. There is a creativity that arises out of their fierce independence. They may not have a lot to say but what they lack in conversation they make up in action. When they do speak it is usually straight to the point, candid, and without any frills. They are deep, with strong opinions that are expressed only with those that will understand. "Not casting pearls before swine" is a rule for them. They are positive, sceptical and very original in everything they undertake. They could never work for anyone else. This influence can be quite hard on children who need friends but soon learn that their friendships are short-lived.

Being hurt they become uncommunicative and moody, unconsciously chasing people away from them. There are absolutely no social graces with these names. After a day's work their gardens and their homes become their sanctuary. It is through writing, music or painting that they could show the depth of their feelings. They are deeply philosophical and finely tuned to a mystical element that is felt as they commune with nature. In relationships they are awkward and difficult to live with. They see your faults and can be quite judgemental. They are not tolerant, and can be cold and aloof when they are misunderstood. It is only in an atmosphere of depth and philosophy that they can be drawn out. In their moods they can shut you out with a coldness that can deeply hurt, and they know it, but they cannot easily change. It is this profound depth that is both their strong point and their nemesis. Through tension they will be affected through the heart, lungs and bronchial organs.

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