The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

This is a deeply sensitive and impressionable quality -- they are easily influenced by their environment. Any kind of discord will affect them adversely. They have a deep yearning to be understood but repress it by being accommodating to the needs of others in place of their own. Seldom do they reveal their deeper sentiments about life for fear of misunderstanding. Their conversation is usually in support of other's ideas rather than their own as a diversion or cover-up for feelings that lie deep inside, and are revealed to no one but their closest confidants. They have a quiet and pleasant manner that is easily hurt and offended by the loud or coarse ways of others. When offended they can withdraw mentally and never show their disappointment. This is a refined and poetic influence. They are dreamers who love to spend time alone with their books, pets and flowers. The world of business and commerce is not for them. Their soft, quiet and easygoing disposition requires an environment of music, art and creativity.

If disciplined they could excel as writers of poetry and prose, usually fiction. They are very good listeners, able to divine the feelings and intentions of others, and can offer advice that others need to hear, although they would never say anything hurtful. Perseverance and hard work are not usually a strong part of their character, and they must beware of being a bit lazy and subject to bouts of procrastination. Because of their deep sensitivity, and fear of being misunderstood, they must guard against becoming involved in shallow and meaningless conversation. This deep and private side to their nature should be cultivated and expressed along philosophical and intellectual avenues or they will be forever misunderstood. Lacking confidence, they need encouragement, support and love, otherwise they find life a little too difficult. The women often draw the strong masculine types for support, who never understand their romantic and sensitive natures.

Men of this sensitivity are drawn to the opposite sex for the safety and understanding that they do not receive from other men. They are extremely accommodating and find it difficult to say no, for fear of disappointing, or witnessing the hurt feelings of anyone. They will do almost anything to avoid issues or confrontations. Being so soft, if they are taken advantage of they may fight back eventually but it is very hard on them. This is not a particularly healthy or robust influence, and they are quite susceptible to any colds or viruses that are going around. Their physical weakness lies in the heart, lungs and bronchial organs, as well as the kidneys. Inevitably they suffer from poor circulation, with cold hands and feet. These people are idealistic, helpful and diplomatic types. Their love of nature, including animals, flowers and the tranquillity of a quiet pond, is what they need to become the artists that they are.

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