The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Practical and hard-nosed, with a strong materialistic bent, are the main characteristics of these people. They possess an ambition and a capacity for hard work. The peculiarity of this influence is that they wish they could be respected as the authority figure, delegating responsibility to others, but they find that they end up doing all the hard work. They have a good head for detail and mathematical precision. This is a quality that sees life in very practical terms, and lacks a sensitivity to the artistic, musical and philosophical side of life. They could putter away with their hobbies and personal interests to the exclusion of all around them. Their concentration and mental focus can become all-absorbing. They can really only enjoy the company of others when the discussion revolves around things that are technical, political or non-fiction subject matter.

If their birthdate inclines them to inspirational fields then they would suffer from the contradiction in qualities, and conflicting urges. In this unbalanced state they would tend to be overly fussy, overbearing and demanding. Their patience makes them thorough and reliable workers, capable of finishing the things they start. They can persevere in their work, but they do not like to be pushed or to have to work to deadlines. Their methodical approach to their tasks requires time and thought in order to do the job well. While they are bound to the grindstone their ambitious natures are constantly visualising bigger and better things but, alas, their lot in life is hard work. They could make slow and steady progress but all the while their feelings would be of discontent. Their ability to fix things around the house and around the office is their strong point, while fixing things in their relationship with people is not so easy. This is not a very malleable or adaptable influence. Their fixed viewpoints make it difficult to merge with others.

Scepticism of anything beyond the five senses can lead these people to hide behind their hobbies and self-interests. This is a very strong physical force that is sometimes unaware of the thoughtfulness that is required to deal with the more sensitive types. On the other hand this sometimes stubborn quality can drive them with the force of their conviction to overcome obstacles that the faint of heart would find intolerable. Their strength is often reflected in their desire for heavy, solid foods that can lead to problems of overstoutness. Their logical minds make them ingenious when dealing with practical and scientific matters, but they are confounded when this same logic has to be applied to religious or philosophical theory. This quality is too one-sided in their approach to life. Their weakness lies in the stomach and intestinal tract with problems of constipation and allied problems.

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