The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

Our first impression of these people is 'quiet strength'. They know how to use silence to best advantage. Ambition combined with their appreciation of beauty and refinement can take them to great levels of success. It is not necessary for these people to say in words what they want out of life because they are people of action. If they have a failing it is that they say too little and can be misunderstood by what they do say. They are refined, with expensive tastes, and an appreciation for the value of money and its power to get them what they want. They love the earth and all its bounty including the beauty of sunsets and the rising moon and what it suggests. They have confidence and quickly rise to become their own bosses because of their efficiency and natural business acumen. Working with others is not easy for them as they are independent and quite capable of working for themselves and figuring things out without interference and suggestions from others.

Their self-sufficiency could become a liability -- they discover that they do things better than others and so end up doing things themselves. They have the ability to organize others but are not naturally social creatures. It is difficult to feel easy and relaxed in their presence as they are deep and quiet types who say very little unless it is something philosophical or of a deeper nature. It is almost as if at times they look down at you. The truth is they are intelligent and perceptive and do not concern themselves with small talk or gossip. At such times they become disinterested and somewhat detached from their surroundings. They love nature and the earth and are superb gardeners. Walks in the woods has a way of rejuvenating them. Flowers, art and music can touch them deeply. Their work should revolve around something to do with nature.

They have the ability to capitalize on their personal interests and turn them into money. If they cannot work for the love of work they cannot succeed. They cannot endure mediocrity. They have concentration and discipline that helps them achieve almost anything they desire. Writing could be an excellent way for them to express themselves, their deeper feelings and thoughts. In relationships they can find difficulty with communication. They know so much but expressing it verbally is quite difficult. It isn't long before they find themselves responding to your faults with a silence that can be very disturbing. Unconsciously they can become judgemental and ultimately this erodes the relationship. If this happens too often they can turn away from relationships and become somewhat reclusive, choosing to remain a single person. If their birthdate indicates a naturally social nature they will suffer the consequence of this imbalance. Any weakness will affect them in the heart, lungs and bronchial organs, as well as the generative and female organs.

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