The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These names bring out a soft, passive or feminine influence. They are all sweetness and charm. Their aim in life is to please. They couldn't hurt you if they wanted to because they would suffer in your suffering. Every vibration in the atmosphere of another is registered in the emotions of these people. They are impressionable and responsive to the ways and thoughts of all people. Their response is invariably an effort to make or keep the peace. They are sensitive and easily hurt. For this reason they become extremely accommodating, if only to avoid confrontation and the ensuing embarrassment. In some cases where the innate quality through the time of birth produces an urge for strength and independence, the conflict of the two opposing natures could produce extreme passivity or moments of aggression as a result of the frustration due to the imbalance -- the two natures fighting against each other in a negative expression.

They do not have confidence or the ability to assert themselves, nor can they become self-motivated or initiate action. It is for them to follow or to support others. This can be very hard on those who are natural leaders by birth. Every aspect of human consciousness is a part of the whole but when there is an imbalance or predominance of a quality it makes life difficult. These people make excellent hosts and have a way with people that is both charming and disarming. They can draw you out and dispel your gloom in an instant. They can say things that are appropriate and just what you want to hear because they are intuitive to your every thought and feeling. We find ourselves revealing our life histories or our most intimate thoughts to these people. They are sympathetic and open, and have the ability to listen with interest. Sometimes it is just because they are so passive and it is better to listen than to speak out and upset anyone.

As good listeners, they can be used because they cannot stand up for themselves and express their own feelings about things. Keeping a confidence is not their strong point. Talking about little things can become a preoccupation. They must guard against gossip. They are dreamers and idealists who have a vision of life that they themselves could never achieve. Love, charity and tenderness are their strong points. Procrastination and being late are the negative aspects of their character. Hard work, manual labour or domestic responsibilities are approached with the idea of 'manyana' -- tomorrow. They are affectionate and full of love for all people. Their eyes are alight and their smile is genuine and inviting. It is easy to fall in love with them. They must beware of being taken advantage of. This quality is particularly weak for a man because it destroys his self-confidence. Getting his hands dirty is most disagreeable. Their kidneys can suffer when their lack of discipline leads to indulgence in sweet foods.

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