The analysis of this baby name is by Clayne Conings

These names produce a quality of extremes. They could be deeply religious or be completely turned off orthodox religious views. Whatever strikes them at the root of their emotions at any particular time leaves a deep impression. Regardless of their orientation they are full of compassion for human suffering and are not beyond doing something about it. They are temperamental and subject to moments of great inspiration, and then can drop to the depths of depression and self-pity. This is a driving and restless force that is difficult to stabilize. Things that go wrong are felt deeply and it is impossible to quickly shake them off. Their tempers can be aroused with the drop of a hat. They cannot take criticism but find themselves dishing it out at the slightest provocation. Their minds are quick, sharp and quite impulsive. If their morality directs their actions there will still be a suppression of feeling due to their intense emotional natures.

Taking risks is easy for them. They do not even consider the consequences until things start to happen. What they want they will go after and work things out as it develops. Their courage and their convictions allow them to accomplish a great deal but there is usually a price to be paid -- they learn quickly but at a cost. Their strong sense of justice can move them into action against the wrongs of life and for that their compensation is crucifixion. The intensity behind their actions is usually returned with equal force. They can be daring and committed to a cause in the face of great odds. Their anger can be their initial motivation in pursuing that cause but they must realize that truth will never be found in battle if the anger remains. In fact their anger becomes their downfall. Getting even or foolishly defending their egos blinds them to the truth of the situation. These types are idealistic and their work must have a higher reason to it or they become bored and restless.

Their quick minds and compassion need an outlet through some humanitarian endeavour. They have a strong need to experience love and have a great capacity for it. If they do not have a solid grounding in the way of life and love, this force can run away with them. There is a potential for fanaticism here. Once the doors to love or religion are opened through some experience, their feelings can take them to extremes. They can become inspired and take their needs and beliefs to a point beyond reality or balance. If they lack a strong moral principle then sex can become an obsession. When they are inspired there is nothing they couldn't do. They are clever and insightful, but when they are down their self-pity can move them to the depths of despair. They are always on the move. Their restless minds are continually drawing them into new experiences. The lack of balance brings emotional instability that moves them to search for peace of mind that forever eludes them. Their stomach and nervous system suffers the consequences of this imbalance.

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